
How long have you been singing?
I always knew I could carry a tune but never gave singing a serious thought until I was around 15 years old. After being thrown into a high school choral class to fill an elective requirement, my choir teacher noticed my talent and placed me in the upper division choir. From that point on, music became a huge part of my life. I even began to dabble in musical theatre, something I never imagined myself doing! At one point I was even convinced I was going to move to the Big City to pursue a career on Broadway (my how things change!). I have now moved into professional work as a singer and hope to continue that for awhile!
What kind of camera do you use?
I currently use a Fujifilm Finepix s2100 HD. It's a discontinued model that still serves me well! Although I will occasionally post iPhone snapshots, the majority of the photographs on this blog will be from that camera.
Any other hobbies or interests?
I really, really enjoy collecting vinyl records. I have come across a few gems since beginning my collection a few years ago! I have an affinity for bike riding (especially along the beach), thrift shopping, hiking, and public libraries. I enjoy taking photographs of people, places & things (I would love to invest in a better setup at some point in the near future). Street Style blogs are my not-so-guilty pleasures, and I quite enjoy visiting museums. I enjoy sketching & recently got into fabric painting. I am a huge fan of tattoos (I currently have 9, and counting!) And most of all, I love to eat! Chocolate is my kryptonite!
Dream Destinations?
Greece, Thailand & Indonesia. I would also love to travel to India for their Holi festival in the future! xx

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