Author's Corner
At the age of 15, I was thrown into my high school choir. I had just quit Color Guard because I was convinced I was being coached by the devil incarnate and, unfortunately, had to fill the gap in my schedule with a new elective. Thus, I was put in the class everyone I knew dreaded: Choral Music. Groan. I had literally no interest in singing and even less of an interest in my peers, most of whom I had never even seen a day in my life. This was where delinquents went to socialize and earn pity credits in hopes of graduating on time. Where I had been sent to die. Why did my counselor think I belonged there? I thought it was going to be the most awful experience of my high school career. Little did I know, it would change my life forever...
Music has done so much for me! It has opened so many doors and has welded so many bonds with fellow musicians and performers from all over the world that I wouldn't trade for anything. It has allowed me to inspire others &be inspired by others. It has become more than a hobby: It has become a significant part of my life.
More importantly, music has allowed me to see the world, something I never imagined. My first trip abroad was in 2011 with my college choir to the oh-so-stunning country of Italy. Upon seeing the Roman Colosseum, I wept. The experience was truly life changing. The travel bug bit me, and from that moment on, I've been love sick.
I am in a grand love affair with the world, and as long as I am able, I will see all that I can. xx
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